Who we are

We are a strategic communication agency based in Warsaw. We help sector leaders gain trust. We establish important contacts that develop business and drive lasting changes.

Since 2001

Established as a one-person freelance PR operation around the turn of the Millennium, 24/7Communication has grown to be the leading independent Strategic Communications firm in Poland. Over the last 20 years we have supported many of world’s most exited companies, helping them to realize their ambitions and goals. We have supported clients in nearly every sector, making us one of the most experienced communication agencies in Poland.


We are independent, not a global corporate agency. This gives us an unmatched agility and flexibility. Inspired by our clients’ needs and insights from our global PR network, we constant adapt to changing circumstances. Our entrepreneurial DNA contains a healthy dose of innovation, exploration and boldness. We are a locally owned company. Our revenue and taxes remain in Poland supporting local jobs and investing in local innovation.

Accolades and Awards

Over the years we have been awarded dozens of PR accolades – from Sabre, to EFFIE, Zlote Spinacze and Impactor. Most recently, we have been super proud to be awarded 8 Zlote Spinacze awards on the annual Polish PR gala, earning us the Platinum Award as overall winner.


We help organizations earn trust. No wonder that Trust is at the core of our own DNA. Our culture is so strong embedded in our team, that we have given it a name: #247WAY is how we work together inside our company, with clients and with business partners. Transparency, Care, Progress, Long term focused, reliability. We commit and deliver. We stay humble, we remain hungry. We embrace thoughtful questions above quick answers. We choose to work with people, clients and brands that inspire us. We are hands-on and straightforward to work with. We challenge eachother and our clients, aiming for continue progress. We are 24/7Communication.

24/7Communication in numbers


years of experience


awards won in last 12 months


communication professionals


million PLN income fee in last fiscal year


years clients are with us in average