#247WAY: A culture of progress, reliability and care.

At 24/7Communication we aspire to help organizations to earn trust, so they successfully engage with the audiences who matter to them, and to whom they matter. To help us succeed in achieving this, we have created a unique company culture. In our culture people take a central place. Inspiring, smart and friendly people are making this company thrive.

ogether we steadily move forward, growing ourselves, our clients and 24/7Communication, in a company where it is good to be.

Download our ‘Culture Book’ and learn all about the #247WAY


Values that we live by:

<span>always</span> Progress
  • Grow yourself and others
  • Improve what can be improved
  • Out of comfort zone
  • We think big and act bold
<span>always</span> Reliable
  • We own our actions
  • Say what we do. Do what we say.
  • Great work every time
  • Thinking 2 steps ahead
<span>always</span> Care
  • People first
  • Respectful and inclusive to all
  • Mutual long-term relationships
  • Safety to be authentic and honest

24/7 Manifesto

Life can be overwhelming. We shall let the challenges and opportunities sink in and take it one at the time. Your work is your passion. You yourself, your family and your friends are your life. People can only thrive at work if they feel good and in balance with themselves. Personal stability, safety and happiness are key to professional success. We aim to facilitate that by being the best agency to work for.

Professional and personal stability, opens the way for excellence in what we are passion- ate about. We are passionate about helping leading organizations to earn trust. Trust as an essential factor to drive societal progress. Being passionate about what we do, we aim to be the best at what we do. Remaining true to ourselves we will be the superior communications firm on the Polish market.

Being the best and most reputable agency on the market will help us to achieve our goal: to be a team of 247 trust builders in 2035. A strong and sizable team having real impact on corporate, institutional and societal trust. Within the possibilities that we have, we aim to share our success with those who thrive the company, so we all benefit from prosperity.

A stable team, satisfied clients and a successful business, leads to the question: what’s more?
In challenging times, the world needs people and companies who stand up and take responsibility. Within our sphere of influence, we want to have a distinctive and measurable impact on a better and more fair world. Purpose strategically embedded in our everyday work.

Finally, with all above greatness that we achieve as a team, we’d like this to be endurable. We’d like our efforts to be sustainable and remain on the market to continue to do what we are great at.

A good match?

At 24/7Communication we spend fair amount of efforts to ensure we bring in the right people. Skills and competences to deliver outstanding work are essential. Equal important is the culture fit. Want to have a quick first feeling if we match?

Check out 15 behaviors that can never fail you in 24/7:

Being 100% honest

As the known quote goes ‘you can hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie’. It’s as simple as that. Small practical untruth, can come in easy at times, but it undoubtely leads to discomfort on the longer run. So we refrain from it – and instead give you the comfort to be 100% honest.

Be open and transparent

In our office all doors are made of glass, so you can see through them. It symbolizes the transparency in our company. Although many of us have personal secrets, we promote full transparency on work related matters.

Be yourself

We’re grateful to all of you for being who you are. One thing we are allergic to is ‘pretending’. There is no need to act different than who you really are. That gives you the comfort to be 100% yourself. It gives others the comfort that they know the real you.

Aim for Growth

Growth keeps life interesting. We all can learn and become better. Even if you are not aiming for a steep career, you want to grow as a person and become a better version of yourself.

Stay humble

We are self-confident and successful. As we grow we even will be more successful and become more self-confident. Staying humble is a characteristic that will never fail you in life. And definitely not in 24/7.


We are a communication agency, yet sometimes we forget to communicate with eachother. Share, inform, chitchat, video-call, explain… communication makes work smoother.

Being a self-starter

In this book we help you on the way as 24/7er. Once you are familiar with us, we’d love you to pick up things. Taking initiative in any work-related topic lets you grow faster.

Be disciplined

This sounds like a military drill. In our company it’s not. Think of discipline, as developed routines of duties. It makes work easier, faster, better – saving time for more interesting things.

Always kind

In a world that is sometimes brutal, being just nice to colleagues and clients can never hurt. The cleaning staff, Uber delivery guy and repairman like your friendly word too.

Fine humor

Business and humor is a dangerous combination. And indeed don’t start telling inappropriate jokes during a meeting. But a bit of light tone and humor where possible, makes work much more relaxed.

Face the brutal facts

We face the brutal facts. We don’t look away or think it will solve itself. It wont. Facing the truth and naked facts can be hard. Its better to speak up and work together to fix it.

Challenge the boss

The best ideas win. And that not necessarily is the idea of the manager. In 24/7 the best solution should be chosen. If you have a better one than anyone else… challenge it!

Be autonomous

People closest to the action are taking the best decisions themselves. You know what is best at which moment. Go for it. No need to triple check.

Challenge status quo

If there is one thing we are allergic for, then it is status quo ’because it was always done that way’. Why accept things to be as they are, if you can make it better. Go for it!


Tell us the 15th. Add to our culture what you think it missing. Our culture is a living organism. As a company we lean and get better all the time. Feel encouraged to add to that.