What our people have to say about it.

Working in 24/7 is Challenging. Rewarding. Inspiring. Fun.
Admittedly, we may be a little prejudiced in our opinion. So how about giving the floor to our team – so you can hear true* stories about what it takes to be a 24/7-er. Read what experienced 24/7ers have to say. A kind of unfiltered Glassdoor opinion.

* we stand for trust, truth and transparency. So all opinions are unfiltered. You get the real story.

I think 24/7Communication is a sunny place! It’s also a very flexible company, speaking from the business and employee perspective, and in the best possible sense of this notion. This is where I have learnt – above all – to be open to the feedback – it always adds to your development. It’s good to learn to address it without stress, and that is precisely what I have mastered at 24/7. 😊 Additionally, I have also learnt a lot about technology! Now, this knowledge has become my asset, which I build upon on my own. I admit that the work intensity can be a challenge. The task-based operating mode we have adopted can be very time and energy consuming, at times, but it obviously has its undeniable advantages.

Anna Dobosz

Anna Dobosz

Copywriter / Telco & Tech Entertainment

I hold a perfect recollection of the very first time I entered the premises of 24/7Communication, when I arrived for a job interview. I rang the doorbell and waited to be let in. The door was opened by a very tall man, asking me in Polish – although I noticed a taint of foreign accent in his voice – if he could help me in any way. All stressed, I began to explain a little too quickly that I came for a job interview. And since the words I used may not be the simplest ones in Polish, the tall man did not quite understand what I meant and switched to English. That’s what allowed us to get along without any hassle. Who that tall man was I found out right away on my first day at work – it was the CEO of 24/7 himself! And that’s when it hit me how open everyone at 24/7 was, and that looking for a typical corporate hierarchy in this place was just futile – everyone is equal at the Agency.

Karolina Papis-Wróblewska

Karolina Papis-Wróblewska

Junior Account Manager / Healthcare & Pharma

In my mind, as lofty as it may sound, I picture 24/7Communication more as a family than a company. A place where you can feel truly appreciated and positively surprised by even the tiniest gestures that create the warm image of a family agency. A place where people are sincere with each other, and rat race is a strange concept which applies to another world. If I were to describe 24/7 in three words, these would be relationships, sincerity, and professionalism. This is where I have learnt to pay attention to the little things that make up the bigger picture; to appreciate people not only for the big things, but also for their small gestures; to find something positive in every single project, and when judging something or someone – to focus on what is valuable and precious, in the first place.

Radek Czajkowski

Radek Czajkowski

Senior Graphic Designer / Content

The moment I entered the Agency I got in touch with other people: super-positive, smiling, and not creating distance. Virtually at every stage – from the reception desk, to the recruitment interview, to the meeting with Dirk, to each step in the onboarding process – I felt endowed with sympathy and support. Today, 6 years later, the Agency is different than it used to be then. It’s more mature, bringing together experts from different fields, but one thing has remained unaltered – the atmosphere and the support we give one another on a daily basis in difficult moments. I’m absolutely sure that I can count on the people I work with! There is simply not enough free space here to describe what I have learnt in this place, with each day having brought and still bringing me new challenges. You just can’t possibly be stagnant in a job like this. One thing you can be sure of almost every day is change.

Milena Zacharzewska

Milena Zacharzewska

Account Director / FMCG & Food

Although it’s been almost 4 years now, I remember that when I first walked into 24/7 for a recruitment interview, I thought to myself: “This is my place; I would really love to work here!” What triggered those impressions? Certainly the smiles of the people who greeted me, since everyone was friendly and helpful. At that moment, I felt there were simply good people here, who wanted to stay in this office space, and consequently – who simply liked their work. 😉 It would be impossible to list everything I have learnt over the past years, but there are three things that our Agency has definitely moulded within me, which I will continue to apply in practice:

  • There is a way out of every situation, even if it seems to be beyond your reach, and the solution is often really simple;
  • Crises teach us the most and the fastest;
  • Right relationships and communication can work wonders.
Magda Gładysz

Magda Gładysz

Junior Account Manager / Telco & Tech Entertainment

24/7Communication is a really cool place with super-positive and open-minded people who are there to help you every day at work. What I have definitely learnt at the Agency is how to plan my own time, how to work as a team member, and how to handle multiple projects at the same time. I have been thrown to the deep end of the pool since day one at this place, which has worked very well for me. This has taught me how to quickly get to the bottom of the tasks I have been given. My biggest challenge is working on many projects and dealing with many people, all at once. This entails operating against a stream of various stimuli, where at the end of the day, I have to reset myself and enter my private life with a clear head. It is precisely the clearing of the mind after hours that I find the most challenging part of each day. However, importantly enough, 24/7 is made up of real people, and they matter the most! Projects come and go, but people invariably remain to be the most important component of the 24/7 Team.

Alicja Koptyńska

Alicja Koptyńska

Project Manager / Content

“They really love doggies,” I thought when I visited the Agency’s Instagram profile after they invited me to a job interview. Then I was just confirmed in my suspicion that 24/7 employed only fantastic people: good, passionate (both at and outside of work), open-minded, and with a sense of humour. It’s never boring in the office; I guess we owe it to the omnipresent orange decor. It is our energy source. The positive impressions the Agency left on me once I joined it were then only strengthened by my buddy. 😊 24/7 is a wonderful project for new people. Each of them is put under the diligent care of one of the employees to settle in the Agency faster, to feel its vibe, and to absorb the culture of #247way. I have a great team at 24/7: each of us is different, and each represents different unique competencies and interests. We support and appreciate one another very strongly, and enjoy spending time together. And most importantly: we learn a lot from one another.

Ewa Maciejaszek

Ewa Maciejaszek

Senior Account Executive / Retail & E-commerce