A crisis represents a potential loss of the most important value for an organization - trust.

A crisis situation, more than any other factor, quickly and directly affects the success or failure of an organization’s business. The reality in which a crisis occurs is always black and white. Therefore, your task is to take control of the situation. We will advise you on how to do it.

Need advice in crisis communication –
contact us!

Our goal is to:


Mitigate crises so that the organization does not lose trust


Minimize the impact of an ongoing crisis on the companies trust


Rebuild the trust after a crisis

We have managed crises in boardrooms and in the field – places of high emotional intensity. We have successfully secured communication for our clients in situations such as:

Zdarzenia losowe

Random events: accidents at workplaces, factory fires

Awarie, problemy techniczne

Breakdowns, technical problems

Ataki hakerskie, cyberbezpieczeństwo

Hacking attacks, cybersecurity

Zabezpieczenie inwestycji

Investment protection

Wycofanie produktów i wadliwe produkty

Product recalls and defective products

Problemy patentowe

Patent issues

Zamknięcie zakładów, restrukturyzacje

Plant closures, restructurings

Strajk pracowników

Employee strikes

Zarzuty dyskryminacji, mobbingu

Allegations of discrimination, harassment

Protesty społeczne i konsultacje społeczne

Social protests and consultations

Protesty ekologów i kwestie ochrony środowiska

Environmental protests and environmental protection issues

The foundation of effective crisis management is preparation. That's why we provide you with:

Audit of past crisis situations in your organization

Identification and analysis of potential risks

Preparation of crisis management strategies and procedures

Crisis management training

Ongoing support in managing a crisis situation

Support in emergency crisis response mode

We conduct training sessions that prepare for reactions in potential crisis situations

We work with realistic scenarios. During the training session, your team prepares a strategy, action recommendations, and the content of crisis statements. The session allows for verifying the effectiveness of procedures, the effectiveness of the narrative, and the organization’s readiness for a potential crisis. Our experienced experts provide professional feedback.

Ask about the training

Crisis-test in our 24/7Studio:

We also offer a unique opportunity to test crisis readiness in real time. Participants experience a crisis that is erupting at that moment. The team is attacked from all sides with publications, phone calls, internet comments, and social media posts. The crisis quickly escalates. The client’s team present at the training is forced to gather a crisis team, develop an action strategy, and prepare a statement. Then, they must give a statement to the camera.

Ask about the crisis-test

Ongoing crisis management support:

strategic advisory at the management level

organization of a crisis staff

moderation of a crisis situation

preparation of statements

development of key messages and Q&A content - media

development of key messages and Q&A - social media

media and social media monitoring with action recommendations,

readiness to act 24/7

preparation of communications for business partners

preparation of internal communications

running a press office with the function of a spokesperson

development of a reputation rehabilitation post-crisis plan for brand and company

Wsparcie ryzysowe ad hoc

We also offer ad hoc crisis support available 24/7:

  • analysis of the initial situation
  • status meetings and ongoing advisory
  • defining the narrative and key communication messages for all target groups
  • preparation of statements (and their updates depending on the situation dynamics) for all target groups,
  • ongoing media contact
  • development of a Q&A list
  • preparing client representatives for interviews

Contact us to discuss your organization and its needs.