Olga Retko

Olga Retko

Senior Account Executive / HoReCa

Olga delivers advisory and implements marketing and internal communication projects together with her team, while another of her specialties is event organisation activity.

Her educational background spans journalism and social communication as well as media and marketing communication. Her professional experience comprises projects and campaigns implemented for numerous brands including Lech Premium, Pilsner Urquell, Glenfiddich, Milka, Oreo, or Panasonic, and it combines creative and journalistic skills. She feels completely at ease creating and deploying lifestyle strategies targeting young consumers. Professionally, she focuses primarily on building partnerships, but not just with customers, but also with the media, subcontractors, or influencers whose activities are closely scrutinised on a daily basis by the entire world.

Privately, she is a big fan of travelling, which pushes her towards seeking non-obvious destinations. When she takes time off, it is always to escape the city, but whenever she ultimately decides to stay, she browses latest music releases and watches documentaries.