Energy transition

Transformacja energetyczna


There is probably no area of industry that is currently attracting as much interest as energy. Browsing websites or reading newspapers, each of us comes across information about its various forms on a daily basis. We are rapidly adopting new terms, such as electromobility or photovoltaics, which a decade ago said little. By caring about the future of our planet, we are increasing our knowledge of renewable energy sources or technologies that meet climate neutrality requirements. We consider the pros and cons of wind farms or hydrogen propulsion, seeing new energy solutions as an opportunity for a better tomorrow for us and future generations.

At 24/7Communication we have a good understanding of the challenges faced by companies and organisations operating in the energy sector. They are advised by a team of experts and consultants with many years of experience, gained both in companies in the energy sector and in working for clients in the Agency.

We provide services in the areas of corporate communications, ESG, public affairs or building and maintaining relationships with stakeholder groups, including at the local investment level. We collaborate with recognised technology and academic experts to produce reports and studies on energy topics. We keep the public informed of important developments in the sector by contacting journalists and bloggers. All to build trust in solutions and products that we believe contribute to better use of energy resources and benefit society and the environment.