Public Affairs

Public Affairs

Framing your POV to policy makers.

We are living in turbulent times; National polarizing politics, European regulations, shifting geo-economic powers and sustainability driven industry transformations. The pace of the global happenings defines the number of issues on your plate. Within that environment you would like to have your interests being taken care of.

Our senior team follows and shape the agenda. We know decision-making processes and understand how you can best exercise your influence.

Our work includes emergency lobbying, long-term legislative campaigns, and raising cases of public importance with MPs and peers. We develop policies that benefit both society and your business and help you build alliances that make things happen.

Among others, we deliver:

  • Stakeholder & political analyses
  • Public Affairs strategy
  • Tactical planning and implementation
  • Creating opportunities
  • Message development and training
  • Monitoring & reporting
  • Building alliances