Natalia Kuchta

Natalia Kuchta

Senior Account Executive / Food & Agriculture

Natalia in involved in the brand and corporate communication operations performed for customers from the food sector. She loves multi-level projects enabling diverse competencies to be combined and willingly explores not only the ins and outs of public relations, but also the specifics of individual clients.

She has built her professional experience in PR agencies, supporting clients operating in such sectors as tourism, culture, food, cosmetics, and household chemicals, and has managed diverse projects in the fields of media relations, event marketing, influencer marketing, social media communication, or CSR. Her career began in the media, where she worked as an editor and journalist for sports news.

Natalia loves to spend her free time actively, traveling and exploring new places, cycling, and hiking in her beloved mountains. Her track record includes a solo bicycle trip from Świnoujście via Hel to Gdańsk, spanning a total of more than 550 km. She cannot imagine her life without books, and is most fond of non-fiction.