

Industrial production

Poland remains one of the leaders in industrial production in the European Union. Factories and production facilities established or modernised in our country on the wave of changes after the political transformation are suppliers of many products and technologies that reach consumers and users all over the world. Probably all of us have experienced the pleasant feeling of seeing a ‘Made in Poland’ label on a product abroad.

24/7Communication provides clients specialising in industrial production with comprehensive services, which include communication with B2B clients, presentation of product offers or building relationships with the business environment and industry organisations.

What sets us apart is our good knowledge of the specifics of the manufacturing industry, from process control and product quality assurance to logistics and supply chain. We have a number of greenfield projects in our portfolio, where we have led the communication for clients throughout the entire process of investment creation, from the symbolic shovel-driving to the opening of a new plant. We help build trust in our clients by nurturing relationships with local communities, trade unions or local authorities. We also provide support at industry events and congresses, as well as trade fairs.

With their experience and high qualifications, our consultants make a significant contribution to creating more efficient and competitive industrial organisations.